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Loving God, Hashem, creator of the universe, you created all human beings in your image,[1] Genesis 1:27. thereby bestowing upon each of us the intrinsic dignities of infinite value, equality, and uniqueness. In Torah teaching, you required us to sustain the infinite value of humans by overcoming poverty, and hunger and abolishing war, to respect the quality of every human by overcoming racism and sexism. And to uphold the uniqueness of every human being by banishing stereotyping and discrimination. And you have given us humans God-like capacities of mind, power, love, and freedom. But you asked us to use those God-like capacities in partnership with you for the purpose to repair, heal, and complete your broken world. | |
This week thousands have gathered in Los Angeles to choose leaders for our nation, just as thousands gathered in Philadelphia weeks ago for this sacred purpose. Wherever they met, grant the blessing that their work rise through ambition and competition and beyond special interests to attain this standard of tiqun olam — perfecting the world. | |
Loving God, we pray for your servant Joseph Lieberman with gratitude for his goodness, integrity, and the breakthrough which he represents. Grant that his values rooted[2] original reads, “were outrooted.” in family and faith, his ability to hear all sides and to integrate the best, be the inspiration to all Americans so that all of us will strive continually to be on your side rather than claim that you are on our side. Bless and protect him and his wife, Hadassah, the child of Holocaust survivors. May she and the survivors continue to model how the memory of suffering inspires us to redouble our efforts to end the pain of others. | |
Loving God, we ask your blessing for Al and Tipper Gore. For the leader who had the vision, the decency, and the principled courage to make this breakthrough. Guide his leadership for human needs and human rights and direct his way to establish a caring society and peace for the world. | |
And we pray that all religions in America and all secularists as well now recognize that so great are the unfinished tasks of protecting the world that we must all partner together. And with your help, create a new birth of freedom with justice, liberty, and dignity for all. | |
עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ |
Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom alenu[3] From the end of Alenu and the full ḳaddish. — may loving God make shalom, peace, for us, for all who serve the god of humanity, for all who seek to repair God’s world, shalom — peace, wholeness, and completion — in the work, and let us say Amen. |
This is the full text of Rabbi Irving Greenberg’s invocation offered on the third day of the Democratic National Convention, August 16th, 2000, corrected from the closed-captions feed offered by C-SPAN.

“Invocation by Rabbi Irving Greenberg at the Democratic National Convention (2000)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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